Curved stair lifts in Ozark, MO are cost-effective solutions for someone who is having trouble navigating stairs. Going up and down stairs, possibly multiple times in a day, can be very hard on some people. One missed step or slip can be a serious problem. If you are looking into a curved stair lift, here are some things to consider in the purchasing process.

Curved stair lifts in Ozark, MOThe User’s Mobility

The most important thing to consider is the person who will be using the stair lift. You need to determine the best mobility solution for their situation. When you talk to representatives that offer stairs lifts, make sure they understand what the user’s needs are so they can make recommendations for the best solutions.

The Type Of Staircase

Straight staircases can have standard stair lifts attached with ease, but if you have a curved staircase, or a staircase with a landing, you have to have a different type of stair lift. The curved stair lift is going to be more of a custom job since no two staircases are completely identical. The user’s mobility should still be the number one priority and if the curved stair case is what you have, find a solution to match.

The Budget Involved

Before you get into details on any curved stair lift, it’s important to think about how much money you have to offer to the project. While straight stair lifts are less costly, if you have a curved staircase, there’s not much you can do about that. Talk to representatives about affordable options that can get you what you need without breaking your budget.

The Seat Size And Weight Capacity

Most standard stair lifts can take up to 300 pounds and have a standard seat size, but there are models with larger seats and higher capacities. You might need more space for the installation, but if it is what you need, take that option for the best results.

The Other Options

There are a lot of other options that can be added for comfort, safety, and convenience. You can customize certain things and it can be hard to determine what you really need and what you would really use. Look over the options and imagine yourself using them so you can figure out what best fits your home and specific needs.

When you are ready to get into the details of curved stair lifts in Ozark, MO, contact the professionals at Lifemark Mobility Solutions. We’re here to assess your home and your mobility needs and help you with professional recommendations so you end up with just what you want for your purposes. Give us a call at (833) 881-5433 and we’ll talk about the options over the phone. You can also come by our showroom at 3433 S Campbell Ave Ste A, Springfield, MO 65807 and look over some of the additions we have available.